Title: The Gingerbread Invasion
Welcome, brave adventurers, to the town of Sweet Haven, known far and wide for its delectable sweets and treats. However, the town is under threat as an unexpected invasion of gingerbread men has occurred! These once harmless confectioneries have come to life and are wreaking havoc upon the town. It’s up to you and your party to save Sweet Haven from this sugary menace!
Sweet Haven is a quaint little town nestled in a valley surrounded by lush forests. The town square is adorned with colorful candy decorations, and the aroma of freshly baked pastries fills the air. However, the streets are now in chaos as gingerbread men roam freely, causing mischief wherever they go.
The party arrives in Sweet Haven just as the gingerbread invasion begins. They witness terrified townsfolk fleeing from the animated treats and immediately realize that they must intervene. The mayor of Sweet Haven, a rotund man named Mayor Marshmallow, begs for the adventurers’ help in driving out the gingerbread menace.
The party’s first task is to investigate the source of the gingerbread men’s animation. They learn from the town’s baker that a mysterious figure known as the Sugar Sorcerer has cast a spell on the town’s confectioneries, bringing them to life. The Sugar Sorcerer resides in a gingerbread fortress deep within the forest, guarded by his sweet minions.
The adventurers must navigate through the forest, facing various obstacles such as candy cane traps and licorice vine entanglements. Along the way, they encounter groups of gingerbread men, each with different abilities and weaknesses. Some may be armed with candy cane swords, while others might hurl sticky gumdrop bombs.
As the party approaches the gingerbread fortress, they face increasingly difficult challenges, including a giant gingerbread golem guarding the entrance. Inside the fortress, they must navigate through a maze of sugary corridors and defeat waves of gingerbread minions before confronting the Sugar Sorcerer himself.
After a fierce battle, the party emerges victorious, defeating the Sugar Sorcerer and breaking the enchantment that brought the gingerbread men to life. With the threat eliminated, peace returns to Sweet Haven, and the townsfolk celebrate the adventurers as heroes.
As a token of gratitude, Mayor Marshmallow rewards the party with a chest full of delicious treats from the town’s bakery. Additionally, they receive a magical artifact known as the Candy Cane Staff, which grants them the ability to summon sweet illusions to aid them in future adventures.
Disclaimer //
Raised From Resin miniatures are printed in high quality, gray resin at 0.05mm layer height in order ensure the sharp details and quality. The miniatures are printed for 32mm scale. Bases are included.
As this is a 3d printed item, please bear in mind that it will have some artifacts or depressions that may need to be cleared or filled. However, I do my best to ensure they are minimized throughout the process and am always refining my support and clean-up process.
Pictures and thumbnails are examples only and the final product may vary.
Friendly Giant Gaming is officially authorized to sell physical prints by Raised From Resin, digital .stl files of this model can be purchased by joining them on MyMiniFactory https://www.myminifactory.com/users/RaisedfromResin#/